

Last night Dan and I were in the car rocking out to some dance tunes when Prince's 1999 came on. I noticed Dan was singing, "Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1985". I turned down the music and said, "You realize it's '1999', right?" He replied, "Yes I know, but that's not my year".

Dan was born in 1985.


Kelly said...

Oh Dan, you are such a riot:) I love it! Rock on (to what ever year you wish)!!

Unknown said...

Oh... you get to pick your own year? I never knew that!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. 1985 was indeed a good year!

Beverly said...

love it. too funny

Cindy said...

:) :)

Iheartcarbs said...

Dan should meet my sister Robin. They have a lot in common! Will, you and your brother a both amazing. Absolutely inspiring.
~ Jennifer

Dovic said...

That cracked me up :). You two rock.

Beth said...

That's great!

Jo said...

And what a good year it was! Dan, you're awesome.

Bethany said...

That's awesome. *chuckles*

Matthew Hennessey said...

I dare say that partying like it's 1985 would amount to a much better time than partying like it's 1999. 1985 was AWESOME. 1999 was plebeian.

Kele said...

See, you go and leave a funny post like that and I have to get mad at you all over for only posting ONCE EVERY FEW MONTHS! C'mon Will, give us DanFan's some love!
And an update on you would be fabulous as well!!

Michelle R. Slape said...

LOVE IT! I have to agree that '85 was a rockin' year! ;)

I Just Love You said...

i love your site. i love your brother. this site has given me even more hope than i already had for our little girl. thank you so much!

Jennifer said...

I just found this blog and I am in love with it!!